Real ROI with Call Tracking Technology

Given the substantial value of an incoming call from a lead, call tracking has become one of the most powerful and cost-effective ways to measure the performance of your online marketing

It’s common for a lot of businesses to simply focus on digital analytics to give them a complete picture of their marketing performance.

In doing this they are severely underestimating the reach and impact of their advertising efforts.

Whether you run a small local business or a multi-million-dollar corporate company, call tracking can provide you with extraordinarily valuable insight into the money spent on your online marketing campaigns. It shows you the bigger picture on your ROI and fill in the gaps of your lead generation. You then have the ability to uncover the maximum results from your entire online marketing efforts before looking to other mediums as a source of sales and leads.

If you have a business phone with a goal to increase leads via phone calls, tracking those calls you receive is crucial. It lets you know which keywords, ads and campaigns convert into calls and demonstrates return on investments beyond a doubt.

How does it work?

Put simply, call tracking is the ability to trace phone calls to your business back to the advertising channel and person who initiated the call.

It works by placing a unique phone number on an advertising campaign – such as an ad online or a banner on your website. When a customer sees this number, and calls it, valuable data such as the source of the lead, time of day, and duration of the call is recorded. From this you get detailed tracking reports with which you can make accurate decisions on where to spend your marketing budget based on where your leads are coming from. You can identify which parts of your online marketing campaigns are driving the most calls to your business, listen to phone call recordings and easily track your phone leads just like your web leads.

The reports below show real data we have tracked for two of our clients. Looking at the first one we can see this client only achieved 7 web events for the month, yet they received 30 phone calls! That’s more than 4 times the amount of web events.

Without call tracking, valuable campaigns that are generating leads and sales via phone calls will be turned off ‐ as there is no conversion attributed to them. John Wanamaker famously once said Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted the trouble is I don’t know which half. Even with the dramatic advancements in digital technology over the last few years and improved reporting and analytics, many advertisers aren’t leveraging what’s available to them to optimise their marketing budgets.

Call tracking is a prime example of this. Without it, your web company may turn off campaigns that seem to be wasting your money, not realising those campaigns are actually generating you hundreds of dollars in sales and leads through phone calls.

Benefits of Call Tracking

  1. Make Fast Decisions Real-time reports enable you to make accurate, data based decisions on the spot.
  2. Proven ROI Accurately demonstrate real ROI for your online campaigns using call tracking to measure which ads generate a profitable response rate.
  3. Prepare your team for every lead When your team answers a call-tracked phone call, a short message will play before the lead is connected preparing your team with vital information to help close the sale.
  4. Track multiple channels If you have multiple channels which you promote your business across, call tracking can help you understand which are generating the most phone calls – for example PPC advertising, SEO or Remarketing.
  5. Understand the best type of advertising for you Make the right decisions about which cities or regions to advertise in and which type of advertising to use to promote your business. Google is slowly rolling out call tracking as part of its platform this month, but currently it is only available in Australia.

Don’t wait! We have several call-tracking systems we can set-up for your business right now. For more information, or to set up call tracking for your business – contact one of our team today.

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